Personal Balance

Neuroscience based programs

About  mindfulness and meditation

Of the time reduces anxiety levels

Can help reduce insomia

Of the time reduces stress levels

Source: scelerisque.

About Coaching Sessions

Coaching sessions for corporate leaders and entrepreneurs focus on harnessing the power of mindfulness, neuroscience, productivity techniques, and positive thinking to help you develop a growth mindset and achieve success in your business.

By integrating these tools into your daily routine, you'll gain a deeper understanding of your thought patterns, develop greater resilience and emotional intelligence, and learn how to prioritize and manage your time effectively.

With a focus on both mental and emotional well-being, you'll be equipped with the skills you need to overcome challenges, maximize your potential, and build a successful, fulfilling projects.

Join us for a journey of self-discovery, growth, and success.


Ossiris Caceres

Emotional healing therapist, biohacking, and support to navigate challenging situations.

Roberto Cuéllar

Master's degree in Mindfulness, Speaker with 15 years of experience in human transformation of corporate leaders.

Camila Moreno

Mom, entrepreneur, speaker, and mentor in healing and business. Expert in network marketing, billing more than 1,000,000 USD.

Natalia Guzmán

Certified in mindfulness, entrepreneur, and podcaster. Speaker on mindfulness and neurohacking to create habits